JETAA Summer Festival (Natsu Matsuri) 2016

CJSO Executive with Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, Japanese Ambassador Kenjiro Monji, and JETAA Ottawa President

CJSO Executive with Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, Japanese Ambassador Kenjiro Monji, and JETAA Ottawa President Janelle Weibelzhal

The CJSO was a proud participant at the JETAA Summer Festival (Natsu Matsuri) held on July 10, 2016 at Ottawa City Hall.

The day was packed with cultural performances including dance, music and martial arts, as well as great Japanese-inspired food!

CJSO organized a booth displaying Japanese cultural items and information about the different Japanese events that our group puts on throughout the year. Our booth was visited by the Japanese Ambassador Kenjiro Monji, as well as Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson. We were happy to sign up many new members and who we will welcome to our exciting events coming up in the fall.

CJSO.Mary.James.Ottawa City Hall.July.2016CJSO.Les.Mary.Summer Festival.10July. 2016 CJSO.Betty.Mary..July.2016


Date: July 10, 2016
Time: 11am – 4pm
Venue: Mario Dewar Plaza (Outside Ottawa City Hall
Entrance: FREE
Limited Quantity of Food: FREE

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