Japan in 2016 : The Year in Review – Society, Politics, and Foreign Policy

Japan in 2016 : The Year in Review – Society, Politics, and Foreign Policy

Dr. Jacob Kovalio, professor of history at Carleton University, will speak to CJSO members about Japan’s year in 2016. The broad-reaching annual review will touch on societal, political, and foreign policy issues to give members an updated outlook on Japan and the events that are affecting the country.

VENUE: C’est Japon à Suisha – formerly Suisha Gardens, 208 Slater St, Ottawa, ON
: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
TIME: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

ADMISSION: Free of charge, however, meal costs are covered by participants
RSVP: Please RSVP by emailing info@cjsottawa.ca and stating your intention to participate.


Image result for jacob kovalio
Dr. Jacob Kovalio is an expert on Japanese history, political culture and foreign policy, who has taught at Carleton University since 1987. Dr. Kovalio is the recipient of two Japan Foundation Research Fellowships and three Carleton University Excellence in Teaching Awards. He is the former president of the Japan Studies Association of Canada and the president of Japan Pacific World Consulting. In 2014 he was awarded a Foreign Minister of Japan’s Commendation for contributions to the study of Japan and to Japan-Canada friendship. Among his publications are “A.J.Toynbee and Japan” [ in Kovalio ed. Japan in Focus], “Japan from Kurofune to Orientalism” [online], The Russian Protocols of Zion in Japan [ 2009] etc. He will be discussing topics ranging from Japan’s relations with China and the security situation in the Indo-Pacific through to contemporary social issues including female participation in the workforce.
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